The Chamber Players of the Greenwich Symphony is an independently managed ensemble of highly accomplished professional musicians, drawn primarily from the principals of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra, and often joined by guest artists. Celebrating its 51st season, The Chamber Players present four pairs of subscription concerts each season, performed on Sunday afternoons at Round Hill Community Church or Christ Church, and Monday evenings at Greenwich Arts Council or Greenwich Historical Society.
The 51st Season
March 6, 2023 "Focusing on Rarities"
The unparalleled eloquence of Handel and Beethoven’s fond tribute to his friends are followed by tour de forces by Hindemith and Coleridge-Taylor featuring the clarinet.
We hear the younger Boulanger sister’s evocative piano trio, followed by Brahms’ towering viola sonata. His and Clara Schumann’s family friend Amanda Röntgen-Maier’s astounding piano quartet is the finale.
TIME: 7:30PM
TICKETS: Adults: $35 | Students $5
For further information e-mail or call (203) 637-4725