“While understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture, we must always remember their fundamental value. They foster beauty, creativity, originality, and vitality. The arts inspire us, soothe us, provoke us, involve us and connect us. But they also create jobs and contribute to the economy.”
Robert L. Lynch, President and CEO, Americans for the Arts

Your support makes all the difference.
Become a Member or Renew Today!
Through its programs presented both on-site at the Arts Center and off-site at other locations, the GAC directly impacts a great many Greenwich residents each year.
Without the generosity of our members GAC simply could not survive. The arts don’t just happen on their own. They demand creativity, hard work, and above all, commitment to their support.
Individual $45 | Family/Dual: $75
• Admission to members-only previews for GAC exhibitions.
• Facility Rental
• Early registration for GAC events.
• Mailings including GAC online & printed newsletter.
• Advance notice of programs and events.
• Discount on programs with our joint partners.
• 10% discounts on local GAC art trips.
Friend: $125 + (Includes all of the above PLUS)
• $15 Discount to be used at any GAC hosted concerts.
Supporter: $250 + (Includes all of the above PLUS)
• Exclusive tour of local artist’s studio.
Patron: $500 + (Includes all of the above PLUS)
• Private Wine Tasting Event at GAC.
• Early registration for GAC art trips and members only art events.
Benefactor: $1000 + (Includes all of the above PLUS)
• Free gift of Family/Dual membership for member’s designated recipient.